Microeconometrics Using Stata, by A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi, is an outstanding introduction to microeconometrics and how to do microeconometric research using Stata. Aimed at students and researchers, this book covers topics left out of microeconometrics textbooks and omitted from basic introductions to Stata. Cameron and Trivedi provide the most complete and up-to-date survey of microeconometric methods available in Stata. Early in the book, Cameron and Trivedi introduce simulation methods and then use them to illustrate features of the estimators and tests described in the rest of the book. While simulation methods are important tools for econometricians, they are not covered in standard textbooks. By introducing simulation methods, the authors arm students and researchers with techniques they can use in future work. Cameron and Trivedi address each topic with an in-depth Stata example, and they reference their 2005 textbook, Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, where appropriate. The authors also show how to use Stata's programming features to implement methods for which Stata does not have a specific command. Although the book is not specifically about Stata programming, it does show how to solve many programming problems. These techniques are essential in applied microeconometrics because there will always be new, specialized methods beyond what has already been incorporated into a software package. Cameron and Trivedi's choice of topics perfectly reflects the current practice of modern microeconometrics. After introducing the reader to Stata, the authors introduce linear regression, simulation, and generalized least-squares methods. The section on cross-sectional techniques is thorough, with up-to-date treatments of instrumental-variables methods for linear models and of quantile-regression methods.

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Volume 23, Number 4 www.stata.com October/November/December 2008

Title: Microeconometrics Using Stata

Authors: A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K.


Publisher: Stata Press

Copyright: 2009

Pages: 688; paperback

ISBN-10: 1-59718-048-3

ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-048-1

Price: $65.00

Microeconometrics Using Stata, by A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K.

Trivedi, is an outstanding introduction to microeconometrics and how

to do microeconometric research using Stata. Aimed at students and

researchers, this book covers topics left out of microeconometrics

textbooks and omitted from basic introductions to Stata. Cameron

and Trivedi provide the most complete and up-to-date survey of

microeconometric methods available in Stata.

Early in the book, Cameron and Trivedi introduce simulation methods

and then use them to illustrate features of the estimators and tests

described in the rest of the book. While simulation methods are

important tools for econometricians, they are not covered in standard

textbooks. By introducing simulation methods, the authors arm

students and researchers with techniques they can use in future work.

Cameron and Trivedi address each topic with an in-depth Stata example,

and they reference their 2005 textbook, Microeconometrics: Methods

and Applications, where appropriate.

The authors also show how to use Stata's programming features to

implement methods for which Stata does not have a specic command.

Although the book is not specically about Stata programming, it does

show how to solve many programming problems. These techniques are

essential in applied microeconometrics because there will always be

new, specialized methods beyond what has already been incorporated

into a software package.

Cameron and Trivedi's choice of topics perfectly reects the current

practice of modern microeconometrics. After introducing the reader

to Stata, the authors introduce linear regression, simulation, and

generalized least-squares methods. The section on cross-sectional

techniques is thorough, with up-to-date treatments of instrumental-

variables methods for linear models and of quantile-regression


The next section of the book covers estimators for the parameters of

linear panel-data models. The authors' choice of topics is unique: after

addressing the standard random-effects and xed-effects methods, the

authors also discuss mixed linear models—a method used in many areas

outside of econometrics.

Cameron and Trivedi not only address methods for nonlinear regression

models but also show how to code new nonlinear estimators in Stata. In

addition to detailing nonlinear methods, which are omitted from most

econometrics textbooks, this section shows researchers and students

how to easily implement new nonlinear estimators.

The authors next describe inference using analytical and bootstrap

approximations to the distribution of test statistics. This section

highlights Stata's power to easily obtain bootstrap approximations, and

it also introduces the basic elements of statistical inference.

Cameron and Trivedi then include an extensive section about methods

for different nonlinear models. They begin by detailing methods for

binary dependent variables. This section is followed by sections

about multinomial models, tobit and selection models, count-data

models, and nonlinear panel-data models. Two appendices about Stata

programming complete the book.

The unique combination of topics, intuitive introductions to methods,

and detailed illustrations of Stata examples make Microeconometrics

Using Stata an invaluable, hands-on addition to the library of anyone

who uses microeconometric methods.

You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information

at www.stata-press.com/books/mus.html . You can also order by

using the enclosed Bookstore Order Form.



Inside this issue:

New from Stata Press 1

Bookmarks from the Stata Gift Shop 2

Public training courses 3

Stata Journal 's moving wall 4

From the Stata Bookstore 4

NetCourse schedule 5

THE STATA NEWS is published four times a year and is free to all registered users of Stata.

La presente edición de Las Noticias de Stata en español está disponible en la siguiente dirección de Internet:


Title: Data Analysis Using Stata, 2nd


Authors: Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter

Publisher: Stata Press

Copyright: 2009

Pages: 388; paperback

ISBN-10: 1-59718-046-7

ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-046-7

Price: $52.00

Title: The Workow of Data Analysis

Using Stata

Author: J. Scott Long

Publisher: Stata Press

Copyright: 2009

Pages: 376; paperback

ISBN-10: 1-59718-047-5

ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-047-4

Price: $52.00

The Workow of Data Analysis Using Stata, by J. Scott Long, is a

productivity tool for data analysts. Long guides you toward streamlining

your workow, because a good workow is essential for replicating

your work, and replication is essential for good science.

A workow of data analysis is a process for managing all aspects of data

analysis. Planning, documenting, and organizing your work; cleaning

the data; creating, renaming, and verifying variables; performing

and presenting statistical analyses; producing replicable results; and

archiving what you have done are all integral parts of your workow.

Long shows how to design and implement efcient workows for both

one-person projects and team projects.

An efcient workow reduces the time you spend doing data

management and lets you produce datasets that are easier to analyze.

When you methodically clean your data and carefully choose names and

effective labels for your variables, the time you spend doing statistical

and graphical analyses will be more productive and more enjoyable.

After introducing workows and explaining how a better workow can

make it easier to work with data, Long describes planning, organizing,

and documenting your work. He then introduces how to write and

debug Stata do-les and how to use local and global macros. Long

presents conventions that greatly simplify data analysis—conventions

for naming, labeling, documenting, and verifying variables. He also

covers cleaning, analyzing, and protecting your data.

While describing effective workows, Long also introduces the concepts

of basic data management using Stata and writing Stata do-les.

Using real-world examples, Stata commands, and Stata scripts, Long

illustrates effective techniques for managing your data and analyses. If

you analyze data, this book is recommended for you.

You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information at

www.stata-press.com/books/wdaus.html . You can also order by

using the enclosed Bookstore Order Form.

Updated to include changes to Stata over the past several years, Data

Analysis Using Stata, Second Edition, comprehensively introduces

Stata and will be useful to those who are just learning statistics and

Stata, as well as to users of other statistical packages making the switch

to Stata. Throughout the book, Kohler and Kreuter show examples

using data from the German Socioeconomic Panel, a large survey of

households containing demographic, income, employment, and other

key information. The authors describe the Graph Editor and time-of-

day variables, two features added in Stata 10, in this new edition.

Kohler and Kreuter's is a valuable introduction to Stata. The authors

take a hands-on approach, leading you step by step through actual

Stata sessions to answer practical questions commonly asked by social


They begin with an introduction to the Stata interface and then proceed

with a description of Stata syntax and simple programming tools like

foreach loops. The core of the book includes chapters on producing

tables and graphs, performing linear regression, and using logistic

regression. Kohler and Kreuter use multiple examples to illustrate all

key concepts.

The rest of the book includes chapters on reading text les, writing

programs and ado-les, and using Internet resources, such as the

search command and the SSC archive.

You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information at

www.stata-press.com/books/daus2.html . You can also order by

using the enclosed Bookstore Order Form.

Bookmarks from the Stata Gift Shop

Every book order includes a commemorative bookmark documenting

the accomplishments of a famous statistician or mathematician—now

you can order the entire collection!

Series one includes bookmarks for André-Louis Cholesky, Johann

Carl Friedrich Gauss, William Sealy Gosset, Leslie Kish, and Frank

Wilcoxon. Series two includes bookmarks for Ronald Aylmer Fisher,

Francis Galton, Adrien-Marie Legendre, James Tobin, and Ernst Hjalmar

Waloddi Weibull. Each series is just $2.25 in North America and $3.50


Visit www.stata.com/giftshop/bookmarks.html to order.

Did you know...

the Graph Editor has a recorder? Click on the Start Recording button,

make changes to one of your graphs, then apply those edits to other

graphs by clicking on the Play Recording button. To nd out more,


. help graph editor


Public training courses

Course dates and locations

Los Angeles

December 4–5, 2008


January 8–9, 2009


February 5–6, 2009


March 5–6, 2009

Washington, DC

April 9–10, 2009

Whether you currently own Stata 10 or you are considering an upgrade

or new purchase, these courses will unquestionably make you more

procient with Stata's wide-ranging capabilities.

Course topics include

F Stata basics

• Keeping organized

• Knowing how Stata treats data

• Using dialog boxes efciently

• Using the Command window

• Saving time and effort while working

F Data management

• Reading in datasets of various standard formats (such as

those from spreadsheets or databases)

• Labeling variables and setting up encoded variables

Using Stata Effectively: Data Management,

Graphics, and Analysis Fundamentals

Become intimately familiar with all three components of Stata: data

management, analysis, and graphics. These two-day courses are

taught by a senior member of the StataCorp staff and offer hands-on,

individualized instruction, with each participant having access to a

computer with Stata 10 installed. The courses are aimed at both new

Stata users and those who would like to optimize their workow and

to pick up tips for efcient day-to-day usage of Stata. Upon completion

of the course, you will be able to use Stata efciently for basic analyses

and graphics. You will be able to do this in a reproducible manner,

making collaborative changes and follow-up analyses much simpler.

Finally, you will be able to make your datasets self-explanatory to your

co-workers and your future self.

• Generating new variables in an efcient fashion, including

leading, lagging, generating statistics within groups, and

working across variables

• Combining datasets, both by adding observations and by

adding variables

• Reshaping datasets for repeated measurements

F Workow

• Using both menus and the Command window to work


• Setting up Stata to your liking

• Keeping complete records of what is done inside Stata

• Creating a reproducible analysis, which is completely


• Finding, installing, and removing user-written extensions to


• Customizing how Stata starts up and where it looks for les

F Analysis

• Using basic statistical commands

• Reusing results of Stata commands

• Using common postestimation commands, such as testing

hypotheses about linear or nonlinear combinations of

coefcients, generating tted values, or looking at marginal


F Graphics

• Making common, simple graphs

• Building up complex graphs

• Using the Graph Editor

Registration and information

Instructor: Bill Rising

Web: www.stata.com/training/enroll.html

Email: training@stata.com

Tel: 979-696-4600 or 800-782-8272

Fax: 979-696-4601

Cost: $950

Enrollment in each course is limited to 24 participants. Computers

with Stata 10 installed are provided at all public training sessions. All

training courses run from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM each day. Participants are

encouraged to bring a USB ash drive to all public training sessions; this

is the safest and simplest way to save your work from the session.

For more information, visit www.stata.com/training/public.html .

Did you know...

Statalist is an independently operated email listserver hosted at the

Harvard School of Public Health, where over 2,500 Stata users from

experts to neophytes maintain a lively dialogue about all things statistical

and Stata. Find out more at www.stata.com/statalist/ .


From the Stata Bookstore

Title: Statistics with Stata (Updated for

Version 10)

Author: Lawrence C. Hamilton

Publisher: Cengage

Copyright: 2009

Pages: 504; paperback

ISBN-10: 0-495-55786-2

ISBN-13: 978-0-495-55786-9

Price: $64.75

Statistics with Stata (Updated for Version 10) is the latest edition of

Professor Lawrence C. Hamilton's popular Statistics with Stata series.

Intended to bridge the gap between statistical texts and Stata's own

documentation, Statistics with Stata demonstrates how to use Stata to

perform a variety of tasks. This text is ideal as a self-study course for

those new to statistics or those migrating from other statistical software

to Stata and as a valuable reference for experienced Stata users wishing

to explore Stata's capabilities in elds new to them.

Hamilton covers topics including getting started in Stata, data

manipulation, graphics, summary statistics and tables, ANOVA, linear

regression (and diagnostics), curve tting, robust methods, regression

models for limited dependent variables, panel (longitudinal) data and

mixed models, survey data, survival analysis, factor analysis, cluster

analysis, time series, and an introduction to programming.

Notable changes to Statistics with Stata (Updated for Version 10)

include a new chapter on survey data analysis using Stata's svy: prex

command and a chapter on the multilevel and mixed model commands

introduced in Stata 10. Chapter 3, covering graphics, has been updated

to include a section demonstrating Stata's Graph Editor. The entire

book has also been updated to reect changes in output, syntax, and


You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information at

www.stata.com/bookstore/sws.html . You can also order by using

the enclosed Bookstore Order Form.

Title: Sampling of Populations: Methods

and Applications, 4th Edition

Authors: Paul S. Levy and Stanley Lemeshow

Publisher: Wiley

Copyright: 2008

Pages: 576; hardcover

ISBN-10: 0-470-04007-6

ISBN-13: 978-0-470-04007-2

Price: $94.00

The fourth edition of Sampling of Populations: Methods and

Applications, by Paul S. Levy and Stanley Lemeshow, introduces the

methods of survey statistics while grounding the analysis in concise

empirical applications. Because many of the examples use Stata, the

Articles published at least three years ago are available for free from the

Stata Journal web site, as are issues of the Stata Technical Bulletin, the

predecessor to the Journal .

Newly available are articles from volume 5, issue 3 of the Journal ,

including the following:

Making regression tables from stored estimates

B. Jann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Estimation of marginal effects using margeff

T. Bartus, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary

Boosted regression (boosting): An introductory tutorial and a Stata


M. Schonlau, RAND, Santa Monica, CA

Introduction to game-theory calculations

N. Orsini, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

D. Rizzuto, University of Siena, Italy, and

N. Nante, University of Siena, Italy

Using density-distribution sunower plots to explore bivariate

relationships in dense data

W. D. Dupont, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, and

W. D. Plummer Jr., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

A simple approach to t the beta-binomial model

P. Guimarães, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston

Stings in the tails: Detecting and dealing with censored data

R. M. Conroy, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland

A multivariable scatterplot smoother

P. Royston, MRC Clinical Trials, London, UK, and

N. J. Cox, Durham University, UK

Depending on conditions: A tutorial on the cond( ) function

D. Kantor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and

N. J. Cox, Durham University, UK

Mata matters: Translating Fortran

W. Gould, StataCorp, College Station, TX

Speaking Stata: The protean quantile plot

N. J. Cox, Durham University, UK

Review of Statistics for Epidemiology by Jewell

R. Bellocco, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Stata tip 22: Variable name abbreviation

P. Ryan, University of Adelaide, Australia

Stata tip 23: Regaining control over axis ranges

N. Winter, Cornell University, NY

Stata tip 24: Axis labels on two or more levels

N. J. Cox, Durham University, UK

The Stata Journal is a quarterly publication containing articles about

statistics, data analysis, teaching methods, and effective use of Stata's

language. The Journal publishes reviewed papers together with shorter

notes and comments, regular columns, book reviews, and other material

of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.

Find out more at www.stata-journal.com .

Stata Journal's moving wall


NC101: Introduction to Stata

Content: An introduction to using Stata interactively

Prerequisites: Stata 10

Course leaders: Theresa Boswell, Kevin Crow, Kerry Kammire

Course length: 6 weeks (4 lectures)

Dates: January 23–March 6, 2009

Enrollment deadline: January 22, 2009

Next dates: March 27–May 8, 2009

Enrollment deadline: March 26, 2009

Price: $95

Course syllabus: www.stata.com/netcourse/nc101.html

NC151: Introduction to Stata Programming

Content: An introduction to Stata programming

dealing with what most statistical software

users mean by programming, namely, the

careful performance of reproducible analyses

Prerequisites: Stata 10; basic knowledge of using Stata


Course leaders: Theresa Boswell, Kevin Crow, Kerry Kammire

Course length: 6 weeks (4 lectures)

Dates: January 23–March 6, 2009

Enrollment deadline: January 22, 2009

Next dates: March 27–May 8, 2009

Enrollment deadline: March 26, 2009

Price: $125

Course syllabus: www.stata.com/netcourse/nc151.html

Stata NetCourses are a convenient, inexpensive, web-based way to learn

how to exploit the full power of Stata. Courses are divided into a series

of lectures that are posted to the web site each Friday, and participants

can post questions and comments to a discussion board. We also offer

NetCourseNow, a way for you to choose the time and pace of your


Enroll by visiting www.stata.com/netcourse , or use the enclosed

order form.

NetCourseTM schedule

Title: Dynamic Analysis in the Social


Author: Emilio J. Castilla

Publisher: Emerald

Copyright: 2007

Pages: 300; hardcover

ISBN-10: 0-12-088485-2

ISBN-13: 978-0-12-088485-8

Price: $74.75

Dynamic Analysis in the Social Sciences, by Emilio Castilla, introduces

social-science students to longitudinal data analysis, cross-sectional

time-series analysis, and survival analysis. Castilla assumes a minimal

level of statistical knowledge and covers a broad range of topics aimed

at familiarizing readers with a variety of methods. Many of the examples

in the book use Stata.

After discussing the different types of data encountered by social

scientists, Castilla gives a useful taxonomy of methods by data structure.

A chapter on longitudinal data introduces the reader to methods for

panel data, in which many individuals are observed for a few time

periods, and methods for cross-sectional time series, in which some (a

few or many) individuals are observed for many time periods. A chapter

on event history introduces survival analysis.

A chapter on designing a research study and a chapter with applications

show students how to design and implement social-science studies.

Castilla is very instructive in his careful descriptions about formulating

hypotheses and interpreting results. The book's annotated bibliography

is a good resource for nding in-depth treatments of the covered


You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information at

www.stata.com/bookstore/daitss.html . You can also order by using

the enclosed Bookstore Order Form.

book is also a good introduction to survey methods using Stata. In fact,

many of the updates in this edition feature Stata's increasing capabilities

in survey methods.

Levy and Lemeshow begin by describing the reasons why sample surveys

are used and some of the costs and benets to different designs. One

chapter introduces the basic concepts of populations, samples, sampling

distribution, and characteristics of population parameter estimates. The

authors then take the reader on a tour of the major sampling designs:

simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratied random

sampling, and cluster sampling. For each survey design, the authors

derive estimators for standard population parameters. They illustrate

formulas with empirical examples, many of which use Stata. They also

present accessible treatments of ratio estimation, variance estimation,

and several special topics, including nonresponse and missing data.

The fourth edition also includes a new chapter on constructing survey

weights for various designs and reweighting scenarios.

You can nd the table of contents and online ordering information at

www.stata.com/bookstore/sp.html . You can also order by using the

enclosed Bookstore Order Form.


How to reach us

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email: info@uytes.com.tr

Please include your Stata serial number with all correspondence.

NC152: Advanced Stata Programming

Content: This course teaches you how to create and debug

new commands that are indistinguishable from

those of official Stata. It is assumed that you

know why and when to program and, to some

extent, how. You will learn how to parse both

standard and nonstandard Stata syntax by using

the intuitive syntax command, how to manage

and process saved results, how to process by-

groups, and more.

Prerequisites: Stata 10; course content of NetCourse 151 or

equivalent knowledge

Course leaders: Theresa Boswell, Kevin Crow, Kerry Kammire

Course length: 7 weeks (5 lectures)

Dates: January 23–March 13, 2009

Enrollment deadline: January 22, 2009

Price: $150

Course syllabus: www.stata.com/netcourse/nc152.html

NC461: Introduction to Univariate Time Series with Stata

Content: This course introduces univariate time-series analy-

sis, emphasizing the practical aspects most needed

by practitioners and applied researchers. The

course is written to appeal to a broad array of users,

including economists, forecasters, financial analysts,

managers, and anyone who encounters time-series


Prerequisites: Stata 10; course content of NetCourse 101 or

equivalent knowledge; familiarity with basic

cross-sectional summary statistics and linear


Course leaders: Brian Poi, Gustavo Sanchez

Course length: 7 weeks (4 lectures plus an overview of

multivariate methods)

Dates: January 23–March 13, 2009

Enrollment deadline: January 22, 2009

Price: $295

Course syllabus: www.stata.com/netcourse/nc461.html


... The selected models can evaluate Equation (5) [51]. The assumption of independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) must be met in order to obtain unbiased and reliable parameters of the model [52]. It implies that the likelihood of a certain farm family adopting a specific adaptation approach is independent from the probability of picking an alternative adaptation strategy. ...

... A general linear regression was performed to obtain the mean temperature and rainfall trends. In this study, we used an MNL model to reveal the factors influencing adaptation strategies that the farmers in the study region adopted in their choices of adaptation strategies [9,52,53,56,57]. All statistical analyses were performed using STATA (version 12) and MATLAB (version 2018a) software, and the study map was prepared using ArcGIS (version 10.7). ...

Bangladesh is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries on the globe. The country is frequently affected by numerous climatic events including floods, droughts, cyclones, etc., which damages the farm household's livelihood and socio-economic condition. Therefore, this work intends to appraise the smallholder farmers' perceived climate-related risk, impact, and the factors that influence their choices of adaptation strategies to cope with the adverse impact of the climatic extreme events in northern Bangladesh. Survey data were collected from 300 respondents from two drought-prone districts of northern Bangladesh in January–February 2020. The climate-related risk perception index (CRRPI) was constructed to assess the farmers' perceived risk. The multinominal logit (MNL) model was employed to explore the factors influencing farmers' choices of adaptation strategies. Farmers' perceptions of climate change risk were found to be consistent with meteorological data in the research area. Results of the CRRPI revealed that flood, drought, riverbank erosion, and heat waves were the critical risks perceived by the farmers. Farmers used a variety of adaptation measures to deal with these climatic threats, including agricultural diversification, changes in fertilizer and insecticides, and crop and seed changes. The MNL model results showed that the factors that influenced a farmer's choices of adaptation strategies were age, education level, family members, income level, year of farming experience, and the farmer's information on climate change. This study also demonstrated that water scarcity in the dry period and the frequency of crop diseases were the major limiting factors experienced by the farmers whilst undertaking adaptation strategies. Thus, awareness and capacity building through training and support to adopt the adaptation strategies are essential to enhance the resilience of the farmers.

... In that case, the negative binomial is preferred to the Poisson model. Cameron and Trivedi report that the equidispersion property is usually violated in empirical works primarily due to the presence of unobserved heterogeneity [25]. ...

... In the second analysis, we examined the determinants of ITN use among households. ITN use was measured using the proportion of household members who slept under an ITN the night before the survey, for which Tobit estimation is appropriate (see Cameron [25], Trivedi [26], Dougherty [27] for a detailed discussion of the estimation techniques). We estimated the Tobit using two samples: (1) a sample of households that received an ITN from any source (NMCP, other sources, or both); and (2) households that received all available ITNs from the NMPC (hereafter, NMPC beneficiaries). ...

Objectives: Ghana's National Malaria Control Program distributes free insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) as a malaria control measure. Some households with the ITN do not use it, however. This paper explores the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of ITN ownership and use among Ghanaian families. Methods: Data on 5,741 households were obtained from the 2019 Ghana Malaria Indicator Survey. The survey is a nationally representative survey that obtains data on malaria-related issues. Negative binomial and Tobit regressions were applied to achieve the study's objectives. Results: Residence (rural-urban), wealth, and administrative region emerged as the most important predictors of ITN ownership and usage in Ghana. The results favoured rural and non-Greater Accra residents. However, wealth had a contrasting association with ITN ownership and use. Whereas affluent households owned more ITNs than the extremely poor, the latter used them more. Also, age and household size were significant for ITN ownership. Both variables had a nonlinear (inverted U-shaped) relationship with ITN ownership. In contrast, the proportion of household members under 5 and the bed net-to-household size ratio were positive and statistically significant determinants of ITN use. Conclusion: The study highlights the need to effectively target the poor, especially in rural areas, for ITNs under the NMCP instead of universal distribution.

... The use of the bivariate probit regression is justified because of the dichotomous nature of the dependent variables [28]. Also, since the bivariate probit regression is a nonlinear model, its coefficients do not sufficiently inform on the magnitude of the effects of changes in the explanatory variables on an outcome variable [29]. In view of these strengths, AMEs of the explanatory variables were used in order to make their interpretations intuitively meaningful. ...

Background: Health care workers (HCWs) are among the high-risk groups in contracting and dying from COVID-19. World Health Organization estimates that over 10,000 HCWs in Africa have been infected with COVID-19 making it a significant occupational health hazard to HCWs. In Ghana, over 100 HCWs have already been infected and dozen others died from the virus. Acceptability and uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine is therefore critical to promote health and safety of HCWs as the country battles out of a third wave of the pandemic. Objective: The study sought to ascertain the correlates of HCWs likelihood of participating in a COVID-19 vaccine trial and accepting the vaccine when given the opportunity. Methods: The study was a web-based cross-sectional survey among HCWs (n = 1605) in all sixteen (16) administrative regions in Ghana. Data were analyzed with STATA statistical analysis software (version 14). Chi-square (X2) and Fisher's exact tests were used to test for differences in categorical variables; bivariate probit regression analysis with Average Marginal Effect (AME) was employed to ascertain the determinants of HCWs' likelihood of participating in a COVID-19 vaccine trial and taking the vaccine. Results: It was found that 48% of HCWs will participate in a COVID-19 vaccine trial when given the opportunity; 70% will accept the COVID-19 vaccine; younger HCWs (AME = 0.28, SE = 0.16, p < 0.1), non-Christians (AME = 21, SE = 0.09, p < 0.05) and those who worked in faith-based health facilities (AME = 18, SE = 0.07, p < 0.05) were more likely to participate in a COVID-19 vaccine trial. Female HCWs (AME = - 11, SE = 0.04, p < 0.05) and those with lower educational qualification were less likely to accept a COVID-19 vaccine (AME = - 0.16, SE = 0.08, p < 0.1). Reasons cited for unwillingness to participate in a COVID-19 vaccine trial or uptake the vaccine were mainly fear, safety concerns, mistrust, uncertainty, spiritual and religious beliefs. Conclusions: Acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine appear to be high among HCWs; conversely, willingness to volunteer for the vaccine trial was low. Continuous targeted and integrated public health education for HCWs will enhance vaccine acceptability to promote safety and population health in the global south as Ghana intensifies efforts to produce COVID-19 vaccines locally.

... Indeed the result is validated across the sciences where (see for example Albert and Chib (1993), Cameron and Trivedi (2010)) they state each model's parameters appear to be a constant multiple of the other. Specifically, β Logit ≈ 1.6β P robit and seem to apply quite well in empirical applications. ...

  • K. P. Chowdhury K. P. Chowdhury

M-estimators for Generalized Linear Models are considered under minimal assumptions. Under these preliminaries, strong convergence of the estimators are discussed and an expansion of the estimating operators are given in the non-i.i.d. case with the i.i.d. case shown as a particular application. Various consequences of the results are discussed for binary and continuous models.

... Including state-level demographics, economic conditions, political and mental health controls, and other gun policies 27 The Poisson regression assumes that the variance and the mean of the dependent variable are equal. However, the use of robust standard errors should mitigate concerns regarding overdispersed data (Cameron and Trivedi 2010). Another advantage of a Poisson specification is that including fixed effects does not lead to an incidental parameters problem (Cameron and Trivedi 1998). ...

  • D. Mark Anderson
  • Joseph J. Sabia
  • Erdal Tekin Erdal Tekin

Debate over safe-storage gun regulations has captured public attention in the aftermath of several high-profile shootings committed by minors. To date, the existing literature provides no evidence that these laws are effective at deterring gun crime, a conclusion that has prompted the National Rifle Association to assert that such regulations are "unnecessary" and "ineffective." Using data from the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports for the period 1985-2013, we find that child access prevention (CAP) laws are associated with a 17 percent reduction in firearm-related homicides committed by juveniles. The estimated effect is stronger among whites than nonwhites and is driven by states enforcing the strictest safe-storage standard. We find no evidence that CAP laws are associated with firearm-related homicides committed by adults or with non-firearm-related homicides committed by juveniles, suggesting that the observed relationship between CAP laws and juvenile firearm-related homicides is causal.

  • Adam Seth Litwin
  • Or Shay

Does collective bargaining lift wages for contingent workers? Well-worn theory suggests that temps at a covered employer earn less than otherwise similar "perms," but still fare better than they would in a nonunion workplace. Our analysis of a national sample of matched employee–employer data first disposes of the universality of this conventional wisdom. Then, it allows us to test an alternative, contingent theory of the mitigating impact of collective bargaining on the temp wage gap predicated on received research in labor relations and institutional labor economics. We find that just how temps fare relative to perms hinges on the labor relations orientation of the employment relationship. Whereas unions clearly deliver for temps under adversarial conditions, they do not appear to do so where they adopt a more cooperative stance toward their employer counterparts.

Introduction: La esperanza de vida está aumentando en todo el mundo, así como la diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Estudios poblacionales han demostrado que la duración de la DM2 se ha asociado con el deterioro cognitivo. Sin embargo, a pesar de la alta prevalencia de DM2 y deterioro cognitivo en Chile, aún no se ha investigado la asociación entre años con DM2 y la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar la asociación entre la duración de la diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2) y la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores chilenas. Métodos: Participaron 1.040 personas ≥60 años de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Chile (2009-2010). El deterioro cognitivo se evaluó mediante el Mini Examen del Estado Mental abreviado (MMSE). El número de años con DM2 fue categorizado en cuatro grupos. Para valorar la asociación entre MMSE alterado y el número de años con DM2, se utilizó una regresión de Poisson, ajustados a posibles factores de confusión sociodemograficos, de estilos de vida, adiposidad y salud. Resultados: Cuando se ajustaron los análisis por factores sociodemográficos, las personas con 15 a 24 y ≥25 años con DM2 presentaron 2,2 veces (IC 95%: 1,07; 3,33) y 5,8 veces (IC 95%: 3,81; 11,0) riesgo relativo (RR) de deterioro cognitivo, en comparación con aquellas sin DM2. Luego de ajustar adicionalmente los análisis para las covariables relacionadas con el estilo de vida y la salud, el RR para deterioro cognitivo fue 1,76 veces (IC 95%: 1,02; 2,50) y 4,54 veces (IC 95%: 2,70; 6,38) más alto para aquellas personas con 14-24 y ≥25 años de DM2. Conclusiones: Se asoció el número de años con DM2 con la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. Una mayor duración de la DM2 se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de deterioro cognitivo en la población mayor chilena.

  • Thiago Fonseca Morello
  • Aldo Santos Lima
  • Rubicleis Gomes Silva

1.1 Background The scant knowledge on drivers of demand for respiratory healthcare in Brazilian Amazon, where the gap of human and physical healthcare resources is wide, is expanded with two surveys conducted at the west of the region in Acre state. Potential drivers, informed by a review of twelve recent papers, were classified in seven categories comprising the individual, household, community and macroeconomic dimensions.1.2 Methods On-field quantitative structured surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2019 based in coupled conglomerate-quota-randomization sampling, with support of community health agents. Adults responded about their own or their children's health. Whether physician care was sought to treat the latest episode of respiratory illnesses or of dry cough was analysed statistically with multiple non-linear regressions having as covariates the potential predictors informed by literature.1.3 ResultsThe propensity to seek healthcare and to purchase medication was larger when targeting children rather than adults. Influenza was the most frequent cause of latest episodes of respiratory illnesses and dry cough, what makes the below-40% healthcare seeking rate worrying as it may sustain a considerable local contagion rate. Illnesses' severity, including the pain experienced, were the main predictors, revealing that subjective perception exerted stronger influence than objective individual's and households' characteristics. The insignificance of education indicated that it was not the sole determinant of health literacy, the latter a more important driver, according to literature. Income was insignificant due to respondents relying almost uniquely on free healthcare offered by the Brazilian Health System.1.4 Conclusions Results suggest that subjective underestimation of respiratory illnesses' consequences for oneself and for local society could motivate a refusal to seek treatment. This is in line with some previous studies but departs from those overemphasizing the role of objective factors. Social consequences, of, for instance, macroeconomic nature, needs highlighting, based on studies detecting a long-run relationship between healthcare demand, health and economic performance at national level. Microeconomic behavioural policy is needed to change subjective perceptions of symptoms and illnesses with nudges and educational interventions.

This paper investigates the interaction between Internet access and language similarities in international trade. We apply recent developments in gravity analysis to bilateral export data from about 205 countries over the period 1954–2014. We find a positive impact of both the Internet and language similarities, but a negative interaction between them in international trade. Our results reveal that the language elasticity of trade is lower when more people have access to the Internet and that the impact of the Internet is lower when the trading partners use similar languages. Our results also pass a number of robustness checks.

The discussion on regional income per capita convergence in Indonesia continues with an emphasis on whether regional per capita incomes tend to converge or diverge over the long run. This study evaluates the regional convergence hypothesis at the provincial level during the recent deindustrialization period 2001–2017 of Indonesia. First, the study examines the existence of convergence clubs in Indonesia using a recently assembled panel dataset. Results reveal four convergence clubs with particularly large income gaps, mostly arising from the top of the income distribution. Second, using an ordered logit model, the study examines the determinants of the convergence clubs. Result reveals that industrialization increases the probability of membership to a high-income club.

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